10 Things I Believe About Love & Kindness

I believe that love is unconditional, or it’s not love.
(click here to Read More about this statement)


#2 – I believe there can be trust without love, but there can be no love without trust.

#3 – I believe that the only ones who can hurt us deeply are the ones we truly love.

#4 – I believe that it is easy to fall in love with the idea of being in love, but difficult to really fall in love.

#5 – I believe that a rich and fulfilling love can be found by every person, but fear of being known and hesitancy to trust what we believe we know are the greatest obstacles in every pathway.

#6 – I believe that loving yourself can be too easy when experiencing success, and too difficult when experiencing failure.

#7 – I believe that love never fails, but love unappreciated is unbearable and leads to a love deserted.

#8 – I believe that an act of kindness never goes unrewarded, but sometimes the true reward may not be realized in this lifetime.

#9 – I believe that we encounter many opportunities each day to be kind to those we don’t know, and that we often miss those opportunities because we are too focused on ourselves.

#10 – I believe that acts of love and kindness are most rewarding when you give something of yourself without stipulation or expectation.

“Love takes off the masks
that we fear we cannot live without
and know that we cannot live within.”

                                                             – James A. Baldwin

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