Archive for the ‘BACK TO BASICS’ Category.


Odd for 2017 MarchMadness

“You’re gonna make the best call
you can, and you know they’re
gonna second-guess you.
So what? We’re just gonna have
to take our beatings as we go…”

 Kenny O’Donnell

There’s an excitement that begins to build around this time every year that sucks people in from all walks of life. The college basketball season has played out through the stillness of the winter months and went unnoticed for the most part as the crescendo of football season raced to a climax.

But with March comes a tournament. And, with a tournament comes excitement.

Continue reading ‘WHAT ARE THE ODDS?’ »


Giraffe Face - Common Sense Comes Calling

the following
is a short quiz
consisting of
4 simple questions

Your initial response to each question will give an indication as to how well prepared you are to face common day to day challenges.

This quiz has been taken by many and it did not originate with me, but I’ve used it from time to time and it always proves to be a fun way to revisit our approach to how we handle the happenings of each day as they unfold. Continue reading ‘COMMON SENSE COMES CALLING’ »