Archive for the ‘MARK’S RECIPES’ Category.
Sunday, January 14, 2018, 9:00 am

This is another fantastic memory that you can make with the help of a #Traeger Grill. I’ve experimented with this one several times, because I’ve always loved Chinese Style Ribs, and I believe I’ve finally come up with something worthy of sharing. For the record, I used to fly by the seat of my pants in the kitchen. After all, cooking is “an art” right? It’s certainly creative and artistic, but when I stumbled into something that I wanted to be able to make again, I found myself hard pressed to repeat it with any accuracy. How much ginger did I add? Does this one get honey and brown sugar? Did I use soy sauce or Worcestershire for this brine? I had to start writing things down. Thus, the recipe blogs began…
Here’s your step-by-step
inside scoop.
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Thursday, January 4, 2018, 9:55 am

I love chili, especially when it’s going to be cold for a few days. Well, the weather outside is cooperating with that agenda and #ChiliRecipe is once again on the menu.
I planned ahead with this one and thought I’d do an experimental chili recipe along with the Bourbon Stew recipe that has warmed my heart (and tummy) through the years. The experiment started with a Chuck Roast during a typical weekend cooking spree on the #Traeger. In this case, our signature flavor was Apple and we built around it for a fantastic chili alternative.
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inside scoop.
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Sunday, December 17, 2017, 8:01 am
Two years ago, my wife bought me a Traeger Pellet Grill for my birthday. I know, old news… well, here’s a gotta-make item that works its way into the rotation every 90 days or so… BEEF JERKY!
The next time you happen to be somewhere that sells a name brand jerky, check out the pricing. Here, the average price in the grocery store is a whopping $7.99 for a 3 oz package. Even on Amazon, you’re going to find that it’s priced in the range of $1.50 per ounce. That’s a much better buy than you’ll find in stores, but it’s still a little pricey.
We’re going to start with a cut of roast that you can usually find for $4.99 a pound, sometimes less, and make a jerky that you’re going to really enjoy having in your secret stash. Even if you’re not eagle-eyeing the sale price, that comes out to around 31 cents per ounce for your finished product. I think I picked up the two roasts in the picture to the left for $3.69 a pound, on sale.
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inside scoop.
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Thursday, December 7, 2017, 5:06 pm
Two years ago, my wife bought me a Traeger Pellet Grill for my birthday. I know, old news… well, here’s another thing that it really jazzes up for us – BEEF STEW!
The picture to the left? Not my crockpot. I’m not a photographer and even if I were, good pictures take a lot of time. That’s a Google image and for the record, this stew won’t have sprigs of fresh (uncooked) parsley floating on top.
The directions for the last recipe were pretty lengthy, but in my defense, I was trying to walk you through the process of cooking something that you normally only attempt once per year and there’s usually a lot of pressure riding on how it turns out. I wanted to make sure you had all the hand-on-shoulder advice that you needed. That being said, Beef Stew is fairly easy.
Here’s your step-by-step
inside scoop.
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Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 8:46 am
Two years ago, my wife bought me a Traeger Pellet Grill for my birthday. Supposedly, you can cook anything and everything on it. Maybe that’s true; I haven’t tested the theory. At $20 a bag for wood pellets, I tend to be a little bit judicious as to when I crank it up and what gets a spot on the grill rack. That being said, it gets a fresh scoop of wood pellets nearly every weekend and we’re eating some of the best smoked meat you’ll find anywhere. I’ll proudly put the juicy deliciousness that comes off of my smoker up against “Restaurant Quality” food any day of the week. We eat much better at home, thank you. This Thanksgiving I used my #Traeger to create an #ApplewoodSmokedTurkey that I’m certain I’ll be doing again and again.
Here’s your step-by-step
inside scoop.
Continue reading ‘APPLEWOOD SMOKED TURKEY’ »