When I was a teenager, we used to sing a song that said, “Jesus got a hold of my life and He won’t let me go…” Today’s guest probably embodies that as much as anyone I’ve ever met. In this episode, we discuss how he came to know Christ as his Savior and what led to his total commitment to the Lord as a youth with a gift and love for music. We’ll also talk a little bit about some of the signature songs that are just as fresh and poignant today as they were when they were first released.
His gospel music ministry has spanned 4 decades and touched countless lives, including mine. You’ll hear his testimony and a little bit of mine as I get the opportunity to talk with Dallas Holm. Please join us as we review A Lifetime of Praise.
Click Here to visit the Dallas Holm webpage.
Click Here to see his upcoming concert schedule.
Click Here to see some of the “Stories Behind the Songs” videos.