I try to write something new each and every day. Not all of it is destined to be published in books; some of it makes it into blogs. This podcast is just me, talking about one of my latest blogs. This episode is a special June the 14th edition designed to call attention to Flag Day. This is taken from a chapter of Don’t Forget Your Cape.
In 2017, I published a trio of motivational books that can be purchased through Amazon; see the Icon Links below. Each book was built upon a theme that started with a blog post.
The journey began when PUSH brought readers face to face with the challenge of actually reaching goals, as opposed to just dreaming of them.
It continued when Don’t Forget Your Cape provided a well-lit mirror inside the private dressing room of each reader for the benefit of introducing them to the impact that they have on the world in which they live.
HELLO… Is This On? explores why we do what we do and speaks to our ability to develop self-trust and quiet confidence, even in the face of daunting circumstances or, in some cases, no measurable response at all.
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Quick Links to Mark’s Books on Amazon:
PUSH Mark D. Combs |
Don’t Forget Your Cape Mark D. Combs |
HELLO… IS THIS ON? Mark D. Combs |
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