We’re all captivated by the unknown. We can’t help but be drawn to it. What’s in the box? What’s around the next corner? What’s behind that locked door?
What if the unknown, the unseen, is not only staring you right in the face, but it’s screaming for your attention? In his book, The Unseen Realm, Dr. Michael S. Heiser walks the reader right up to some of the most well-known stories from the Old Testament and introduces them to the blatantly obvious facets of the text that get overlooked time and time again. What secrets await in The Unseen Realm? Just press play, and find out.
I hope you enjoy this interview. Comments and Questions are welcome.
- Click Here to visit Dr. Mike Heiser’s “Nerve Center.”
- Click Here to visit MORE UNSEEN REALM
- Click Here to visit The Naked Bible Podcast
- Click Here to visit The Peeranormal Podcast
- Click Here to visit Sitchen Is Wrong
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