Discernment is a funny thing. We hear something and our brain pieces together the bits of audio, filling in the blanks by arranging the phonetic sound waves into a cipher that makes some sense of the accompanying surroundings. Unfortunately, my internal interpretation process isn’t always an exercise free from flaws. Frequent are the times that I don’t hear and translate the audio with pinpoint precision.
Confession: This is why I gave up on British movies. I know what you’re thinking, “Did Mark just say he’s not a fan of Monty Python?” Yep… among others. My wife interpreted The Man From U.N.C.L.E. for me last year on the fly. I enjoyed the movie and walked away thinking that this was a much better role for Henry Cavill than that waste of 2½ hours he was a part of in 2013 (Man of Steel) or the flop of a follow up, Batman VS Superman in 2016, but I digress.