There’s a story behind the cover art for this book that I detail in the final pages of the text.

The story tells of how an artist was commissioned to create a design, but never showed up for work. I share the details of how my primary computer crashed on the same morning I transferred the final text files to my wife’s computer for formatting.

The story continues with the dead zone between the computer crash and the computer repair… still no response from the commissioned artist.

Upon getting the repaired computer back from the lair of the local computer wizards, I began work on designing both the front and back covers.

The front cover was built around 4 main themes that are common to most comic book covers:

  • the featured name of the superhero
  • a reserve box in the upper left-hand corner
  • the catch-phrase bar that stretches across the top
  • and some artwork that gives a sneak peek as to who’s involved in the adventure that awaits the reader inside.

I tried to incorporate each of these elements in the front cover design, while at the same time being true to the inside text. In the final pages of the text, I explain the inspiration behind each of the 4 elements. Hopefully the cover portrays the look of a classic comic book and the text inside introduces each reader to their inner-superhero.

The back cover of the book is a deliberate throwback to the back page of comic books from my youth.

Everything is over-the-top and tongue-in-cheek. My goal was to trigger both a nostalgic flashback of memory and an ear to ear smile for those who remember the Golden Age of Comics.

Additional detail on the design of both the front and back covers is given in a special section of the book. You’ll also find a preview of the next book in the series, Hello… Is This On? which is scheduled for release in November.

Don’t Forget Your Cape is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million.

 Don’t Forget Your Cape is available
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